Lithuania - why work abroad?

Country: Lithuania
Official languages: Lithuanian
Government: Presidential republic
Population: 3 million
Capital: Vilnius
Currency: Lithuanian litas (LTL)
Member EU or EEA: EU
Phone code: +370
Internet code: .lt

Why this country?

Smoothed by the glaciers of the last ice age, the rolling countryside of Lithuania is dotted with lakes, wetlands and forests as well as plenty of space to roam and pick wild berries and mushrooms. Larger than Belgium or the Netherlands, it has less than a third of their population.

Lithuania had one of the fastest-growing economies in eastern Europe prior to the financial crisis in 2008. It has made efforts to develop a knowledge-based economy with an emphasis on biotechnology. The job market has picked up following difficult years in 2009-10, with strong demand for personnel to fill the following roles: sales managers, doctors, insurance agents, international truck drivers, tailors, salespersons, multi-skilled construction workers, waiting and bar staff, and metalworking machine operators.

Looking for work?

The biggest newspaper, Lietuvos rytas, announces job vacancies every day. Vacan­cies are also published in the newspapers Alio reklama and Noriu; all three post adverts on their websites too. The Lithuanian labour exchange also gives an overview of all regis­tered vacancies as do many other jobs web­sites. Visit the Links page of the EURES portal for these and other useful web addresses.

Recruitment agencies are also commonly used and personnel departments of large companies often compile databases of potential employ­ees, so you can send your CV directly to them.

Tips for job applications?

Lithuanian employers usually want to see a written CV before they request an interview with a candidate. Nowadays it is popular to use the Europass CV.

If you are making a spontaneous application, choose the largest companies and send your CV with a covering letter. Limit your typed CV to two pages, including only the most relevant details and giving the most recent activities first. You can add copies of your original pass­port or ID card, diplomas or qualification doc­uments. The CV and covering letter should be written in Lithuanian or, in the case of interna­tional companies, in English.

Is it standard to include a photo on the CV?

No, if a photo is required, it will be indicated in the vacancy advertisement.

Is there a preference for handwritten applications?

No, typed covering letters are more common.

Is the Europass format CV widely used and accepted?

Both national and Europass formats are used, and there is no preference for either one over the other

Making contact by phone

Telephone contacts are not very common for the first contact with a jobseeker. Employers prefer face-to-face interviews.

Do I need to send diplomas with my application?

Yes, send copies with the application and take the originals to the interview.

Should I supply references, letters of recommendation or proof of good conduct?

Previous employers could be asked for a reference. It is advisable to bring original diplomas to the interview, not copies. Letters of recommendation are uncommon in Lithuania, but bring them along if you have them (if in a foreign language, they need to be translated).

Usual length of time between publication of the vacancy and start of the job

The typical period is 1 to 3 months.

Preparing for the interview

There is usually just one round of interviews. Most of the time, this takes the form of an in-depth conversation between the person responsible for recruitment and the candidate.

Dress-code tips

It depends on the vacancy. A suit or dress is always appropriate. Jewellery and cosmetics should be used in moderation.

Who will be there?

In larger companies, when the list of candidates is long and the position is very important, a preliminary interview may be conducted by the personnel manager. The second interview is usually conducted by a line manager, as he/she knows exactly which work-specific questions to ask and is the person that the applicant will be working for directly. Selection centres (assess-ment centres) are not widely used in Lithuania, but some employers use the services of recruitment companies for the pre-selection of staff

Do we shake hands?

Yes, it is common to shake hands firmly with the interviewer.

Is there a typical interview structure?

No, but you can expect questions such as: What did you do before? Tell us something about yourself (here you have a good chance to pres­ent yourself and offer important information to the prospective employer to stimulate their interest in you). Why do you want to work for us? Why did you leave your previous job? How do you see your responsibilities in our com­pany? What can you offer us? What are your strengths and weaknesses, and your interests outside work? What are your future ambitions?

Demonstrate enthusiasm. Make it clear that you want the job. Show that you are prepared. Include evidence that you have found out more about the company in your answers, but do not make it too obvious. Ask questions afterwards.

Be prepared to answer the question about what salary you expect. Possible answers could include: 'I think I should not receive less than the employee who occupied the position pre­viously,' or 'Since your company is known to be prestigious, I am sure I will be paid according to current rates.' Applicants are advised to make a brief survey of salary levels in the chosen field prior to any salary negotiations.

When is a question out of bounds?

It is not tactful for employers to ask about age, marital status, pregnancy, addictions or religion.

Negotiating your pay and benefits

Usually employers ask about the desired pay, which is usually expressed as a monthly amount. Salaries are negotiated with the employer or staff manager. Holiday pay is included in the contract and is strictly defined by labour law.

Is a trial period likely?

Yes, trial periods are quite common in Lithuania and they are indicated in the contract.

How long is the standard probationary period?

It can be up to 3 months long.

Will the employer cover my costs for attending an interview?

No, it is not common for employers to cover travel costs.

When will I hear the result?

Usually you will get the result within 2 weeks.

Getting feedback and further follow-up

For evaluation, you can call the employer back after a few days.

How early should I arrive for the interview?

It is advisable to arrive 10 minutes early for the interview. Punctuality and a smooth start to the meeting are appreciated in Lithuania.

last modification: 2014-09-03
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