The result

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CountryWhen will I hear the result?Getting feedback and further follow-up
Austria - the result
Employers expect you to contact the company by phone for information on the results of the interview after a specific time. Companies will not always take the initiative to inform you of the results. If you have not been selected, you can ask for more information. If you can prove that the law on equal opportunities was not respected, an official intervention is possible.
Belgium - the result
This depends on the job and the employer.If an employer has promised to give you feed-back within 1 week, do not call before that time. If they have not called you after 2 weeks, you may call and ask for feedback.
Bulgaria - the result
When an applicant is referred to the employer by a labour office, the employer is obliged to inform the local labour office about the result of the selection procedure within 7 days. When the local labour office is involved in organising the interview, they are expected to inform unsuccessful candidates about the employer’s decision. In other cases, there is no legal requirement for employers to inform applicants about the result of the selection procedure. At the end of the interview, thank the employer for the time taken or even write a letter of thanks afterwards. Somewhat later, the candidate can contact the employer to ask for the result of the interview, unless another agreement was made in advance.
Croatia - the result
At the end of the interview, you can ask the interviewer when the results will be announced. The employer usually informs you about the results a week or two after the interview. After the interview, you can call the interviewer and ask for feedback.
Cyprus - the result
There is no general rule as to when candidates are informed about the outcome of an interview. It is not customary to give feedback to all candidates. However, any written queries from candidates are usually answered in due time.
Czech Republic - the result
Sometime after the interview, you will receive the employer’s decision (which should be in writing). If this is positive and you decide to take the job, contact the personnel officer (HR manager) of the company, inform them of your decision and negotiate your start date and other important details of the employment contract. Rejected candidates may call to find out why they were not selected, but this is not common practice.
Denmark - the result
It varies, but usually you will hear from the employer within a week of the interview. If other candidates are equally qualified, you may be called in for a second interview. It is common to call or meet again for an evaluation, in order to know in which areas the applicant can improve.
Estonia - the result
Most (60 %) companies let you know the result of the application procedure sometime in the 2 weeks following the interview. The others (40 %) do not send any feedback. The employer may expect you to follow-up yourself. You can ask after the interview when you can expect feedback. If you do not receive any feedback within the promised time, you can call the employer and ask for the results. After the interview you can send an e-mail to thank the employer for the interview - this will show that you are interested and will help the employer to remember you.
Finland - the result
Normally at the end of the interview the employer tells you when you can expect to get the results/follow-up. If you are not asked for an interview, you can contact the employer approximately 2 weeks after the application deadline.

Following an interview, if the employer does not contact you after 1 or 2 weeks, you can enquire about the results by phone or e-mail. If you are not selected, you can contact the employer and ask for feedback about your interview and application.
France - the result
It takes 2 to 4 weeks to get the results: the higher the qualification level, the longer the recruitment process. After 4 weeks, we suggest you call the recruiters. It is not common to ask why you were not selected for a job, but it is possible, as long as you do so tactfully. The feedback should be useful for your subsequent interviews.
Germany - the result
If a company decides to offer you the job, it will normally let you know by phone. At the end of the interview, the employer should explain the next steps of the procedure and how long this will take. If the period that you agreed on has elapsed without you hearing anything, you can contact them for more information.
Greece - the result
The whole procedure generally takes about a month. Normally the employer takes the initiative in organising follow-up to the interview. It is not common for candidates to ask for feedback.
Hungary - the result
You will generally hear within a few weeks, but sometimes within a month or two.It is not usual to ask for feedback - you either get the job or a rejection.
Iceland - the result
Employers do not like to contact people to tell them that they have not been hired. Therefore it is a good idea to contact the employer 1 week after the application deadline to find out the status of the vacancy. A good rule of thumb is that if you have not been hired 1 month after the deadline, they do not want to employ you. It is a good idea to take the initiative and contact the employer for feedback. It shows that you are interested and take matters into your own hands when needed.
Ireland - the result
The employer will explain the follow-up procedure at the first interview. Employers will offer feedback to unsuccessful candidates on request.
Italy - the result
If you are hired, it will be up to your new employer to communicate this to you. The employer should specify at the interview how much time will be needed to make a decision. If you want to get follow-up about your interview or ask more questions, you can do so by phone or by e-mail.
Latvia - the result
Most companies let you know the result of the application procedure within 2 weeks of the interview. Some may not inform you of the result at all. You can ask after the interview when you can expect feedback. If you do not hear from them within the agreed time, you can call and ask for the results.
Lichtenstein - the result
The employer should inform you at the end of the interview about the deadline for the decision or other future steps. If not, you should ask about it. After the interview, you can ask for feedback by phone.
Lithuania - the result
Usually you will get the result within 2 weeks.For evaluation, you can call the employer back after a few days.
Luxembourg - the result
You will usually hear after 1 week. It is acceptable to call the employer and ask for feedback on your interview performance.
Malta - the result
Usually the employer will inform you about the result of the interview at a later date. The employer will also tell you if you are invited to a further interview. If you are selected for the job, you will probably be contacted by phone in the case of a small company, or by post if it is a large company. It may be possible to meet for an evaluation or to do this on the phone.
Netherlands - the result
Companies that apply the code of good behaviour in recruitment will inform unsuccessful candidates why they were not selected within a fortnight and in writing. It is still possible to ask for more information. If you are not selected, it is normal to con¬tact the interviewer to evaluate your application procedure. You can ask for the things you did well and what went wrong so that you can learn from these for other interviews.
Norway - the result
If you are hired, you will receive written confirmation and possibly a call beforehand. If you have been rejected, you will be notified by post or e-mail. If you are rejected, you can call the recruiter and ask why, or ask which qualifications the person who got the job had that you did not have. This can give you an idea of where you stand professionally
Poland - the result
Within 1 or 2 weeks. If you do not, call the employer.If you were told that you would be contacted after the interview and the deadline has passed, call and ask for the result of the inter¬view. There is nothing wrong with asking. It proves that you are interested in the job.

If you are not offered the job, you may ask for the reason for this decision. Try to find out what factors made them decide to reject you. This may help you in the future.
Portugal - the result
It is not unusual to receive no reply to an application. If you are interviewed, you might ask when you can expect to be informed of the decision. If the employer does not respond within this period, a polite reminder phone call can reiterate your interest. You should not be too insistent though. It is not common to ask for feedback following an interview.
Romania - the result
The recruiter will tell you at the interview whether or not you have been accepted or when you will be contacted again. If you do not hear anything shortly after the interview, you can assume that you have not been selected. Employers do not usually inform unsuccessful candidates of the outcome. However, it is acceptable to call the employer for feedback.
Slovakia - the result
One or two weeks after the interview. It is not common to ask for feedback about your interview. The result is announced to successful candidates by e-mail or a phone call.
Slovenia - the result
Employers usually tell candidates when they will contact them to let them know their decision. If the employer said that he/she would decide within a week, you can call them after 1 week, not sooner. It is not common to call for feedback after the decision has been made.
Spain - the result
The length varies between employers. Usually the employer informs the applicant about the result of the interview shortly after, but they may not do so. If you do not receive any feedback shortly after the interview, you can assume that you have not been selected. It is unusual to be informed if you are unsuccessful.
Sweden - the result
If you haven’t heard anything within 2 weeks, you should contact the recruiter and ask when you can expect feedback. It is always possible to contact the employer after the interview and ask about the next step in the application process. If you did not get the job, you can ask for the reason.
Switzerland - the result
You will hear by phone, letter or e-mail. Only when you have written confirmation can you consider the procedure to be concluded. The employer does not expect you to follow up on the interview or test results, but you can always say that you would like to have feed¬back and see how the employer reacts.
United Kingdom - the result
If you reached the interview stage, employers and recruiters will confirm whether or not you are being offered the job, usually within 1 to 3 weeks of the interview. If you are unsuccessful, you may receive feed-back on your performance at the interview when you are notified in writing. Otherwise you can call or write to the employer to request feedback on your interview.
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