Diplomas, references, recommendation or proof of good conduct

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CountryDiplomaReferences/letters of recommendation
Hungary - diplomas, references, recommendation or proof of good conduct
Send a copy if requested. You probably will be required to present them at the interview or before signing the contract. The authenticity of documents is not verified initially, but for certain positions (e.g. for doctors), it must be checked before the contract is signed.

References are not common in Hungary, but may be useful if they are relevant, for exam­ple a written statement about your previous employment and an assessment of your abil­ities. The employer may phone your previous employer if you have no objection.

Letters of recommendation are not common, but they may look good if from a well-known company, especially if in the same field. Some jobs require proof of good conduct (even if it is superfluous), but this is stated in the advert.

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