How to find a job abroad?

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Prepare well for the range of questions that might be covered. Most questions are likely to focus on your experience, skills and motivation. Persuade your interviewers that you are very motivated to get the job. Tell them about how your strengths and interests match those that the employer is seeking. Answer questions fully but concisely. Speak only about facts that may be of interest to the employer. Be polite, honest and professional. Never lie.
Follow the procedure for applying described in the job advert. Some companies ask candidates to apply with a CV and a covering letter. Others provide an application form that should be com­pleted fully.
Interview culture is as varied as the number of companies and organisations on the market. Find out as much as possible about the process in advance. Do you need to take documents, prepare a presentation or undertake psychometric, practical or other tests as part of the interview? How long will the process take and who are you likely to meet?
Look for job adverts published on the Internet, in newspapers, at employment offices and with private recruitment companies. Don’t forget to check the EURES job mobility portal too. A company’s own website may contain details of vacancies, or they may use an external recruitment agent to conduct an initial screening of candidates.
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