Trial period

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CountryIs a trial period likely?How long is the standard probationary period?
Austria - trial period
You may be asked to undertake a 1-day work trial. The employer must pay you for it. One month at the most. During this period, the contract can be ended at any point without any reason being given.
Belgium - trial period
From a legal point of view, a 1-day work trial is not possible, unless arranged via a temporary jobs agency (which means that you will be paid for that day). Practical testing at the work¬place is possible, but can last no longer than is needed to test your skills. Seven to fourteen days for workers; 1 to 12 months for employees.
Bulgaria - trial period
Only as part of the probation period. Companies usually ask candidates to agree to a trial/probation period for up to 6 months, which is allowed by the Bulgarian labour code. During this period, the employee may be released without notice.
Croatia - trial period
From a legal point of view, a 1-day work trial is not possible. The probationary period is usually between 1 and 3 months long.
Cyprus - trial period
A trial period may be negotiated between the two parties, but it is not determined by law or by collective agreements.The usual period is 1 month.
Czech Republic - trial period
A trial period is not legal. Employees must have a contract and receive pay for any work they do. The employee or employer can withdraw from the contract anytime during the probationary period, which is 3 months maximum (6 months for managers). It may be possible to reduce the length of this (i.e. to make it shorter than 3 months). Applicants generally accept the company’s proposal.
Denmark - trial period
This is not usual, except in a small number of professions. You can refuse. A 3-month probationary period is common.
Estonia - trial period
No, this is not common practice. Four months, or 6 months for state/government positions.
Finland - trial period
A trial period is usual, but not in all positions. The probationary period normally lasts no longer than 4 months.
France - trial period
Tests are common as part of the recruitment process. Work trials, however, are not widely used. If you are asked to complete one before signing a contract, it must be very short and should not be used to perform work for the employer. The probationary period varies from 1 day to several months depending on your qualifications and the type of employment contract. For 1-month contracts, it is generally one week. The period can be renewed once.
Germany - trial period
Some companies may ask for a 1-day trial period. It is recommended not to refuse. There is no general duration fixed in the German civil code, but it is limited to a maximum of 6 months. This should not be confused with employment on probation, which is by nature a temporary working contract (with the probation as a factual reason for the limitation).
Greece - trial period
You are under no obligation to agree to a work trial if the employer requests this. There is a 12-month paid probationary period. If the contract is terminated within this period, the dismissed employee is not entitled to compensation.
Hungary - trial period
Yes, almost without exception. The probationary period is usually 3 months or can be extended to 3 months if it is less. If there is a collective agreement at the company, it can be up to 6 months.
Iceland - trial period
There is usually no need for a trial period as it is very easy to hire and fire people in Iceland and at the beginning of a job the notice period is very short. You should be paid for every day that you work. If you have one, it is usually between 1 and 3 months long. If the employer does not intend to pay you for this period, you should refuse and inform the Directorate of Labour or a trade union.
Ireland - trial period
You may be asked to work for a trial period of 3 to 6 months. An alternative to a work trial, a probationary period may be anything up to 1 year. The process will continue up to the time you receive notification of success or failure.
Italy - trial period
The employer may ask for a 1-day work trial or a probationary period. You can refuse this if the period exceeds the statutory period (which depends on the specific collective agreement). There is no standard period.
Latvia - trial period
No, there are no trial periods for work in Latvia. An employer can ask the employee for a probationary period. This is usually included in the employment contract, and it may last up to 3 months. The probationary period for state/ government positions may be up to 6 months.
Lichtenstein - trial period
The use of a 1-day work trial is not common, but can be useful in certain situations. You can refuse a work trial, but it may be useful for the candidate to get to know the job. One to three months maximum.
Lithuania - trial period
Yes, trial periods are quite common in Lithuania and they are indicated in the contract. It can be up to 3 months long.
Luxembourg - trial period
Yes, in general there is a 3-month trial period for an unqualified worker and a 6-month trial period for a qualified person. The probationary period is 6 months long in general.
Malta - trial period
No, you will not be asked for a work trial because this runs counter to current legislation. This means that you can refuse if asked to do this. It usually varies between 6 and 12 months, but this depends on the company, so find out about this before you start work.
Netherlands - trial period
Yes, this is likely. The probationary period is 2 months on average.
Norway - trial period
No, it is not common to undertake a 1-day work trial An employer may decide to hire you on a probationary period to start with. This will normally not exceed 6 months.
Poland - trial period
Employers prefer to ask for a 1- to 3-month probationary period rather than a 1-day work trial. See above.
Portugal - trial period
It is becoming increasingly common. Some employers prefer to use short-term (e.g. 3- to 6-month) contracts to trial an employee. The legal probationary period varies according to contract length and complexity of the role. For short-term contracts, it may be up to 1 month. For permanent contracts, it is usually between 3 and 6 months.
Romania - trial period
The Romanian labour code mentions the possibility to establish a trial period of up to 90 days for non-managerial posts and up to 120 days for managerial roles. According to the labour code, every category of worker has a probationary period, from 5 days for low-skilled persons employed for a limited period, to 90 days for management positions.
Slovakia - trial period
You may be asked to do a 1-day work trial. As it is not legal, it is possible to refuse, but this may be a reason for the employer not to accept the jobseeker, as it can be taken as a demonstration of unwillingness to cooperate. Three months is the average.
Slovenia - trial period
Yes, you may be asked to undertake a work trial. It varies, but is usually between 3 and 6 months long.
Spain - trial period
Trial periods for workers are those that are established in the different types of employment contracts. Six months maximum for qualified technicians and 2 months for other workers. In the case of the contrato indefinido de apoyo a los emprendedores (indefinite contract to support entrepreneurs), the probationary period is 1 year. During the probationary period, the con¬tract may be terminated by either party for any reason.
Sweden - trial period
You may be asked to do a 1-day work trial, but you have the right to be paid for this.
The standard probationary period is 6 months.
Switzerland - trial period
Work trials are common for low-skilled jobs. For hotel and cleaning jobs, a 1-day trial is usual. This must be paid. You can refuse a trial only if the employer asks you to do it unpaid. Assessments may take 1 or 2 days, but you will not be paid for them. At the start of any contract there is a probationary period, which is often used as a test period. This can last for 3 months at most. During this period, you can resign or be fired immediately as long as contractual leave times are respected.
United Kingdom - trial period
Work trials are not common. It is more likely that you will work for a trial period, after which your pay rises to the full rate. Between 3 and 6 months.
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