Netherlands - negotiating your pay and benefits?

Official languages: Dutch
Phone code: +31
Internet code: .nl

Negotiating your pay and benefits

If the company offers you the job, you can negotiate your salary and probationary period. If you are hired through an intermediate organ­isation, they will probably negotiate your remu­neration request and other conditions and benefits. In the Netherlands, both salary and non-statutory benefits can be negotiated. Think twice about your salary request and make sure it is in accordance with your job.

Different kinds of jobs have different salary scales. These scales are divided into what are known as periodicities. Your experience is used to calculate the scale and periodicity you will be paid. All of this can be negotiated. Remember that voluntary work counts as work experience. For many professions and large companies, working conditions are agreed in collective labour agreements. There is a minimum wage for under-23s and for older people. Earning less than this level is prohibited. Remuneration is expressed on a monthly basis.

Holiday entitlement and the formula for calcu­lating holiday pay are fixed by law. Depending on labour agreements or your age, the amount of holiday entitlement may increase. Bonuses may be negotiated when you start the job and in your annual review. Some collective labour agreements include commitments about profit shares or dividends.

Besides remuneration and holiday pay, you can also negotiate other conditions, such as a com­pany car, travel costs, retirement insurance, training costs, etc. In many cases, the collective labour agreements fix these conditions.

published: 2014-09-03
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