Financial aspects can be negotiated in some companies, but not in those where employers have agreed on a collective labour agreement for pay or where pay is determined by a pay scale.
For white-collar employees or administrative and managerial positions, pay is expressed in monthly rates. Blue-collar wages are expressed in hourly rates. Holiday pay is not standard and annual bonuses depend on the company and the sector. In some cases they are included in collective agreements.
Choose a level of pay that really rewards your abilities. It is important to persuade the employer to reward you for these abilities. You will therefore have to prove the added value that you can provide to the employer once you have been hired. It is not always necessary to name figures when asked to state the level of pay you have in mind. Inform yourself in advance about the usual remuneration in the sector or the company. The pay may consist of a mix of cash payment and non-statutory benefits.
Asking people who occupy the same position in other companies or looking things up in specialist HR magazines can help you to define your negotiation standards.