Typical interview structure

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Spain - typical interview structure

No, it may be structured or unstructured, formal or informal, by a panel or with a group.

The interviewer will discuss your CV, focusing on training and academic work as much as on work experience. They may ask about your atti­tudes and personality. They will want to identify what you are like, how you behave in certain situations and how you fit in to a team.

Besides a representative from the HR depart­ment, there may also be a technical profes­sional to ask questions related to the

tasks of the role. The HR representative will focus on personal and general skills and working conditions.

The candidate can then ask additional ques­tions before the interview concludes with prac­tical arrangements for the decision period and feedback. Make the most of the farewell to show that you are optimistic and expect good news.

Be aware that your non-verbal communica­tion gives information about you throughout the interview to confirm or belie what you are saying. Answer questions about errors or criti­cism sincerely. We all make mistakes. What is important is how you learnt from the situation. Always tell the story from a positive point of view and draw positive conclusions.

If faced with uncomfortable or provocative questions, try to remain calm. Difficult ques­tions are commonly used in the selection of senior executives, sales personnel or customer liaison staff

Practice your interview technique at http://www.todofp.es or with an interview trainer (simula­tor) at http://www.educastur.es.
The employer should not ask for strictly private information, but in some cases, especially if you are a woman, you may be asked about your personal and family situation and plans. Although it is desirable to answer all the questions, you can always ask politely: 'How does this relate to the job I am applying for?
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