Preparing for the interview

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CountryPreparing for the interviewHow early should I arrive for the interview?
Switzerland - preparing for the interview

Research the company in advance: find out about the composition of the management board, the number of employees, the economic sector in which it operates, its competitors and its customers. Look up its environmental pol­icy, its attitude to fair trade and the existence of a social or ethical charter. Be aware of its image overall, and as an employer.

The most topical questions you can expect about your personal competence are questions about your strengths and weaknesses, your flexibility and geographical mobility, your avail­ability and pay expectations.

Interviewers take into account your knowl­edge of the language used for the job, cloth­ing, politeness, tone of voice and the respect shown to the interviewers. Make sure you are well prepared and can give positive answers to tricky questions.

It is important to give specific examples of situations that refer to the answers required and prove that you really do have experience of these situations. For job offers that require knowledge of different languages, the inter­viewers might switch to one of these lan­guages during the interview, so be honest when you indicate your level of proficiency in a lan­guage on your CV.

Arrive a little in advance of the interview. You can expect the employer to be on time as well.
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