Preparing for the interview

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CountryPreparing for the interviewHow early should I arrive for the interview?
Germany - preparing for the interview

The employer pays a great deal of attention to the way you present yourself, including your clothing, hairstyle and jewellery, your attitude, body language, eye contact and the way you express yourself Be prepared to persuade the interviewer that you are very motivated to get the job and prove this by asking questions dur­ing the interview.

Always try to find out in advance what the company specialises in and what products it makes, an estimate of the number of employ­ees and their national and foreign locations, in case the interviewers test your knowledge of their company.

In exceptional cases and depending on the job, it may be possible to conduct a first interview by phone. Very few companies use Skype or other VoIP tools.
Punctuality is very important to German employers.
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