Format CV

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CountryIs it standard to include a photo on the CV?Is there a preference for handwritten applications?Europass format CV widely used and accepted?
Italy - format cv
No, but you can include one if you want to. No, you should not send a handwritten letter.

Yes, the Europass format is preferred.

'Through EURES, I secured an internship in a design studio in Senigallia, north­ern Italy. At the same time, I did an Ital­ian language course, which turned out to be a great place to meet people from all over the world and make new friends outside work. On a personal level, it was a very valuable experience as I learnt how to manage daily life in a country so different from my home country - and in a new language. Professionally, the internship proved to be very successful because shortly afterwards I got a per­manent job as a product designer in Denmark.'

Ebba, jobseeker from Sweden
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