Format CV

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CountryIs it standard to include a photo on the CV?Is there a preference for handwritten applications?Europass format CV widely used and accepted?
Germany - format cv
To enclose a photo with the CV is not compulsory. Nevertheless most employers like to have it in an application. There’s no preference for handwritten CVs, unless clearly specified.

The Europass CV is often used - besides other personal data sheets. In some cases or some professions, it is more beneficial to create an individual format, to set oneself apart from the other CVs.

A collaboration between EURES Spain and the association of engineers of Zaragoza resulted, in just a few months, in job placements for more than 20 engineers in small- and medium-sized enterprises in Germany and the Nor­dic countries. We also provided sup­port and practical information to those workers - and to the companies where they were engaged - in order to facili­tate the transition. '

Teresa Vieitez Carrazoni,

EURES Adviser, Spain

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