Slovenia - tips for job applications

Country: Slovenia
Official languages: Slovenian
Phone code: +386
Internet code: .si

Tips for job applications?

Most job applications comprise a covering let­ter and CV. The letter should make the employer want to invite you for an interview. It should not go into too much detail about experience and qualifications; this is provided in the CV.

Your CV should consist of two or, even better, one A4 sheet. Previous periods of employment should be arranged in reverse chronological order. This also applies to the section that cov­ers your education and training.

An application is usually written in Slovenian, but for workers from other countries, it may be written in another language, most fre­quently English, German or Italian, especially for cross-border positions or when applying for a job in an international company.

If making a spontaneous application, consider the following opening suggestions.

'I have been a customer of yours for a long time and I think I know your field of work very well. That is why I would like to join your company.'

'Perhaps in the near future you will need a col­league with the experience and abilities that I have. Please allow me to introduce myself'

Go on to list your professional training, employ­ment experience, skills, achievements and knowledge of foreign languages. Explain why you believe you could be useful.

published: 2014-09-04
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