Applications are usually sent by e-mail or by post, depending on the information given in the advert. You must always attach your personal CV with an application letter. Both the application letter and the CV must be submitted in English, unless it is specified otherwise.
Make sure you include attachments and that these can be opened. Specify clearly which job you are applying for. Avoid using animation or fancy design, especially if the job is a specialised one and design is not relevant for the post.
When applying spontaneously, specify what role you are interested in. Mention your availability. Add relevant qualifications.
'At the European Job Day in Brussels, most of the candidates who visited our stands were graduates in financial services, law, marketing and communications, and tourism. These are areas where we have a shortage of workers in Malta and the event enabled us to put these young
people in touch with local employers with vacancies in these sectors.' Jonathan Brimmer,
EURES Adviser, Malta