Cyprus - tips for job applications

Country: Cyprus
Official languages: Greek, Turkish
Phone code: +357
Internet code: .cy

Tips for job applications?

The most common way to apply is to send a typed letter and a CV. For unskilled occupa­tions, the application procedure is usually ver­bal. In cases where the applicant is sent by the public employment services, a standard refer­ence letter is issued - which has to be com­pleted by the prospective employer, stating their final decision - and submitted to the labour office.

If you apply for a vacancy found on the EURES portal, mention the national reference number. Both electronic and written applications should include a covering letter, which should be no longer than one page, to the point and typed. This letter, addressed to the employer or the organisation advertising the post, should con­tain important data not included in the CV. It should always be signed.

published: 2014-09-03
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